One moment you could be thinking of your childhood. Another moment about a credit card due. And then you could be checking an SMS or responding to a colleague. Or again think of someone who passed away several years ago. A good dress on display on the store window that you just walked past could grab your attention and you could start thinking about when was the last time you had made an impulsive purchase; and thinking of purchases could bring you back to your credit card that's overdue!!!!
60,000. That's the number of thoughts the average human mind generates daily. A good number of them deal with past events or experiences. And another good number deal with the future. We long for or brood over those past experiences and we worry about those in the future. The past is gone and you can do nothing about it. The future is yet to come and you have not seen its shape, size, color or impact. But the silly mind worries and frets. And then it frets and worries. The casualty is the present.
So, you could be sitting in a movie and thinking about tomorrow morning's presentation. Or you could be watching your daughter practice her music lessons, but be thinking about the hood of your car that got dented this morning! The present invariably gets no attention. I used to be that way too. Unable to be in the now. In fact, my wife, who works with me, for a long time, had a sign up in my office that read...'My wife says I don't listen to her or something like that...!'.
My hunger to control my mind and live in the Now led me through a journey of discovery. The first time I read Eckhart Tolle's 'Power of Now', it went over my head. But now, I am able to relate to it each single day. My other favorite author Eknath Eswaran's experiences helped me along too. Both say the same thing, but in their own inimitable ways. To control the mind, control your thoughts. And thoughts are like your pet dog that you walk daily. What does your dog do? It pulls the leash and tries to take you in different directions, sniffing, barking and clawing at almost anything it sees. Do you allow it to win or do you bring back the discipline and the heirarchy in the relationship? Inavariably, almost always, you call the shots. Why? Because you are CONSCIOUS of what the dog is doing (in the present) and you are CONSCIOUS of your responsibility to get it to behave (in the present). So, my dear friends, an ideal way to live in the present is to treat your thoughts the way you will treat your dog...reign them in and bring them back into the present. Let the mind be the master and direct your thoughts. So, next time you slip into the past or dive into the future, apply the leash and dog rule, and get back into the present.
Interestingly, the first few times, the mind will resist. Remember: no change is welcome easily. Similarly, your mind does not like taking additional responsibility for your thoughts. And tries to tell you that your thoughts are winning. But with consistent direction, and PRACTICE, the mind will cede. And you will start living in the present.
The biggest present you get for living in the present is__you stop worrying. And start living, as they say! Ah, yes, a simpler rule of thumb, should your mind still play truant or tricks with you, is to remember that The Master('s) Plan for you has no FLAWs. It is what it is. So, why worry? Just be. Just be. Just be.
The Learnings:
1. Reign in your thoughts into the present.
2. Do this consistently till your mind assumes additional charge of keeping your thoughts in the present.
3. Once in the present, you stop worrying and start living
4. Remember that the Master('s) Plan for you has no FLAWs. It is what it is.